RigidMotion: compute/define rigid motions

Version: 2.5 (20/09/2017)

Author: Onera

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RigidMotion enables to define or compute rigid motions for arrays (as defined in Converter documentation) or for CGSN/Python trees (pyTrees).

This module is part of Cassiopee, a free open-source pre- and post-processor for CFD simulations.

To use it with the Converter array interface, you must import the RigidMotion module:
import RigidMotion as R
Then, in the following, a is an array, and A a list of arrays.
To use it with the pyTree interface, you must import the module:
import RigidMotion.PyTree as R
Then, in the following, a is a zone node and A is a list of zone nodes or a complete pyTree.

Prescribed motion of type 1

R.setPrescribedMotion1: set a precribed motion defined by a translation of the origin (tx,ty,tz), the center of a rotation (cx,cy,cz), the second point of the rotation axis (ex,ey,ez) and the rotation angle in degrees. They can depend on time {t}:
a = R.setPrescribedMotion1(a, motionName, tx="0", ty="0", tz="0", cx="0", cy="0", cz="0", ex="0", ey="0", ez="0", angle="0")
Example of use: set a prescribed motion (pyTree).

R.setPrescribedMotion2: set a precribed motion defined by a elsA rotor motion:
a = R.setPrescribedMotion2(a, motionName, transl_speed, psi0, psi0_b, alp_pnt, alp_vct, alp0, rot_pnt, rot_vct, rot_omg, del_pnt, del_vct, del0, delc, dels, bet_pnt, bet_vct, bet0, betc, bets, tet_pnt, tet_vct, tet0, tetc, tets, span_vct, pre_lag_pnt, pre_lag_vct, pre_lag_ang, pre_con_pnt, pre_con_vct, pre_con_ang)
Example of use: set a prescribed motion (pyTree).

R.setPrescribedMotion3: set a precribed motion defined by a constant speed rotation and translation. omega is in rad/time unit:
a = R.setPrescribedMotion3(a, motionName, transl_speed, axis_pnt, axis_vct, omega)
Example of use: set a prescribed motion (pyTree).

General functions

R.evalPosition: evaluate the position at time t according to a motion.
If the motion is defined in a:
a = R.evalPosition(a, time)
Eval position at given time, when motion is described by a function. F(t) is a function describing motion. F(t) = (centerAbs(t), centerRel(t), rot(t)), where centerAbs(t) are the coordinates of the rotation center in the absolute frame, centerRel(t) are the coordinates of the rotation center in the relative (that is array's) frame and rot(t), the rotation matrix:
b = R.evalPosition(a, time, F) .or. B = R.evalPosition(A, time, F)
Example of use: evaluate zone position (pyTree).
Example of use: evaluate array position from function (array), evaluate zone position from function (pyTree).

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